L'ayurvéda fait partie des Védas qui sont les écritures les plus anciennes du monde. Il existe quatre Védas : Rig, Yajur, Sama et Atharva. Chaque Véda a une partie supplémentaire ou secondaire. L'ayurvéda est la partie secondaire de l'Atharveda.
Satyanarayana Dasa
Daily Bhakti Byte
Align your consciousness with the eternal consciousness called prema. Then you will see the magic happening all around you. Prema is the only magic. When your mind is aligned with love, you will see beauty all around you. When your consciousness is not aligned with prema, then you will see problems all around you – problem after problem. When you have love for Krishna, then you will see that there is nothing else but Krishna and His play. Then you will be intoxicated. That is the real high.