

₹40 345.62
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The ideal retreat for you in the sacred town of Vrindavan. An exciting combination of Yoga, Ayurveda and Bhakti practices at the Jīva Institute, located in the heart of Vrindavan, in the quiet and leafy Jiva Institute of Vaishnava Studies.
The retreat includes your stay at a private A/C room, three healthy vegetarian meals a day (prasad), 7 classes of Yoga practice and meditation, 4 classes on the fundamentals of Ayurveda and hands-on Ayurvedic cooking, four Ayurvedic massages, 2 guided tours to the ancient temples of Vrindavan, daily kirtan with experienced kirtaniyas, sat-sanga and Q&A sessions with Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji.

Dates: On demand
Price: 490 USD
Contact details:
Whatsapp: +91 7500950044
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  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
  • Daily Bhakti Byte

    This is the great festival of the ego, as it thinks, ‘I am better than you. Don’t you know who I am? I will smash you. You will know who I am!’ Because of this kind of thinking, we remain disturbed. In fact, most of the disturbance in our mind is because somebody didn’t say what I wanted to hear or do what I wanted them to do, or behave as per my wish.  Most of the time we are disturbed because of our own egoism.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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