
STUDIES - Bhakti Tirtha Course-4th Semester: Basic Sanskrit with Jagadananda Das

₹7 415.10
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Teacher: Jagadananda Das

This introduction into the Sanskrit language offers an overview of the cases (vibhaktis) and their usage, as well as sandhi- and the most basic grammar rules. Jagadananda Das developed his own methodology by which he avoids teaching of complex rules up front, and instead keeping mostly to the singular. The course is thus course is designed to minimize the amount of memorization that needs to be done in the beginning and to be more reflective of what will be encountered in the texts of the Vrindavan Goswamis. This means trying to get a feel for the way Sanskrit would actually be spoken. Thus, the textbook used in this course includes many verses from the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava literature, especially Bhāgavad Gītā and the Bhāgavata.

Duration: ~98 hours.

This Sanskrit course includes the PDF of the book.

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