Curriculum Vitae


Academic Training

  • Ph.D. 2002, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra, U.P., India (thesis: ‘An Analysis of Bhakti Sandarbha’)
  • M.A. Sanskrit 1996.
  • M.Tech., Industrial Engineering 1978; Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi,
  • B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 1976. Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi,
  • L.L.B. Indian Law 2000. BSA College, Mathura.

Traditional Sanskrit-based Training

  • Sanskrit Grammar: Siddhanta Kaumudi (commentary on Panini’s Astadhyayi), Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi, and Harinamamrta Vyakaranam.
  • Nyaya: Tarka Samgraha, Tarka Bhasa, Nyaya Siddhanta Muktavali, Tattva Cintamani, Mathuri Panca-laksani, and Vyutpattivada.
  • Purva-mimamsa: Artha Samgraha, Mimamsa Nyaya Prakasa, and Sloka Vartika.
  • Sankhya: Sankhya-Karika with Sankhya-tattva Kaumudi commentary, and Vidvat-tosini.
  • Yoga: Patanjala Yoga sutras with Tattva Vaisaradi commentary.
  • Advaita Vedanta: Tattvanusandhanama, Vedanta Parijata, Vicara Sagara, and Vrtti Prabhakara.
  • Vaisnava Vedanta (Caitanya School): Six Sandarbhas with Sarva-samvadini commentary, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, Ujjvala-nilamani, Govinda-bhasya commentary on Vedanta-sutras, Gita-bhusani and Sarartha-varsini commentaries on Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad Bhagavata Purana with Bhavartha-dipika, Krama-sandarbha and Sarartha-darsini commentaries, Hari-bhakti-vilasa, Caitanya-caritamrta, Brhad-bhagavatamrta, Laghu-bhagavatamrta, and Sri Radha Rasa-sudha-nidhi.
  • Sahitya: Sahitya Darpana, Kavya Prakasa, Dhvanyaloka, Alankar Kaustubha, Dasa-rupakam, and Natyasasta.
  • Chanda: Cando Manjari.
  • Jyotisa: Muhurtta-cintamani.


  • To read: Hindi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Bengali, English.
  • Spoken: Hindi, Sanskrit, English.
  • To Write: Hindi, Sanskrit, English.



I. English Language

  1. Tattva-sandarbha: first of the six Sandarbhas written by Jiva Gosvami. New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2004 (book released by Dr. S. D. Sharma, President of India).
  2. Bhakti-Sandarbha: three volumes; New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2005.
  3. Bhagavat Mahatmya, from Padma Purana: translation and commentary, New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2002.
  4. In Vaikuntha not even the Leaves Fall; New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 1994.
  5. Hitopadesa of Narayana Pandita: New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 1997.
  6. The Yoga of Dejection: New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2000
  7. Nama-Tattva, New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2001.
  8. Message to Disciples: New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2001
  9. The Yoga of Eating: New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2007
  10. Spiritual Health: New Delhi: Jiva Institute, 2007.
  11. Bhagavad Sandarbha: Germany, Jiva Institute 2014
  12. Tattva Sandarbha: Germany, Jiva Institute 2015
  13. Bhagavad Gītā, Germany, Jiva Institute 2015
  14. Paramātma Sandarbha, Germany, Jiva Institute 2016
  15. Sādhanā Guide, Jiva Institute 2016
  16. Kṛṣṇa Sandarbha, Germany, Jiva Institute 2018
  17. Prīti Gīti, Jiva Institute 2018

II. Books translated into other languages:

In French: L’Eveil Spirituel (Yoga of Dejection), France, 2006.

In Spanish:

  • Mensaje para los Discipulos (Message to Disciples), New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2001.
  • El Yoga del Abatimiento (The Yoga of Dejection), New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2006.
  • Nama Tattva, New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2006
  • El Hitopadesa, New Delhi, Jiva Institute, 2006.

IV. Future book publication plans:

  • Critical editions of the entire range of Gosvami literature from the Gaudiya School with translations and commentaries (about 30 in number)
  • Critical editions of Srimad Bhagavata Purana with translation and commentary.
  • Philosophy and Theology of the Caitanya School.
  • Harinamamrta Vyakaranam.


  • “The Six Sandarbhas of Jiva Goswami” in Sources of the Krishna Tradition. Ed. Bryant, Edwin F. Oxford University Press, In press (2007) 373-408.
  • ‘The Philosophy and Theology of the Caitanya School of Vaisnavism’,
  • in ‘Theistic Vedanta’, a volume in Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture. (25 Volumes) New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003.
  • “Synthesis of Yoga in the Caitanya School,” in Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, (25 Volumes) New Delhi: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
  • “The Concept of Saranagati in the Caitanya School of Vaisnavism” Proceedings of Ananthacharya Indological Research Institute of Mumbai National Seminar on Saranagati, 2002.


  • Sanskrit Grammar, Sat-Sandarbha, Bhagavad-Gita, Tarka Sangraha, Tarka Bhasa, Siddhanta Kaumudi, Harinamamrta Vyakaranam, and Brhad-bhagavatamrtam
  • Giving regularly video conferences for University Students, such as Gavlo University, Sweden
  • Hindu Philosophy and Ayurveda at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
  • Hindu Philosophy at Mississippi State University, USA
  • Hindu Philosophy at Jiva Institute taught to Rutgers students
  • Kathopanishad, Ishopanishad at Terre-du-Ciel University, France
  • Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika, Purva Mimamsa, Advaita Vedanta, Gaudiya Vaisnava Vedanta, Sanskrit, Hindi, Alamkara and Rasa Sastra.
  • Bhakti Tirtha Course (since 2016), Levels 1 – 3

Lectures given at:

  • University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Tubingen University, Germany
  • Heidelberg University, Germany
  • Terre du Ciel University, France
  • University of Comparative Religions, Antwerp, Belgium
  • University in Croatia, Rektorat Sveucilista U Rijeci, Rijeka Croatia


  • Adjunct-Faculty Member – Thesis Advisor at the International Vedic Hindu University, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
  • Jiva Institute is affiliated to Sampurnananda Sanskrit University, Benaras. Jiva Institute can give Sastri degrees in the following subjects: Sahitya, Vyakaranam, Jyotish, Vedanta, Darshana and Gaudiya Vedanta .
  • Collaboration with the Faculty for the Comparative Study of Religions, Antwerp, Belgium. Agreement signed on 25th October 2006.
  • Visiting Professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S.A.
  • Visiting Professor at Terre-du-Ciel University, France


  • Outstanding Contribution Award for National Development given by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi Alumni Association for the year 2001-2002.
  • The Tattva-sandarbha of Jiva Gosvami was released by Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, President of India in 1994.
  • Hakim Ajmal Khan Global Award for Organizational and Social Vedic Services 2006 – New Delhi 27th Dec. 2006.
  • Sahitya Sammana for his extraordinary contribution to the spreading of Vedic culture through literature nationwide and internationally, awarded by the president of India, Pranab Mukherjee,
  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
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    Always continue studying. There is no end to knowledge. Even things you have read, study them again. You will get newer and newer insights. The more you study the scriptures, the more insights you will get.

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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